FCCMP is very excited to announce the arrival of our new Executive Director, Kim Croce, to our team!
Kim has worked in public health for over 20 years, and prior to that, 10 years in early childhood education. She has lived in Franklin County for 20 years. Before joining FCCMP in the later winter of 2023, Kim had worked at Greenfield Housing for 3.5 years as a Family Self Sufficiency Coordinator. Kim is passionate about ensuring everyone has access to healthy, local food regardless of where they source such food. Kim brings a keen sense of understanding of how people approach food to her role as executive director at FCCMP.
A few words from our incoming ED:
I was lucky enough to have parents who prioritized healthy eating. I grew up on home cooked meals. My dad always had a huge vegetable garden in the backyard. One year he had us convinced the best time to pick strawberries was at noon, so out we were in the garden picking strawberries at noon. My mom would freeze vegetables. One year we had an overabundance of green beans, we ate them most nights. That was decades ago and I still can’t really look at a green bean. As someone who has always struggled to maintain a healthy weight, I developed an interest in healthy eating for healthy living which led to a passion for wanting everyone, especially children to have access to the nutrition I had as a child. We always had fresh fruits and vegetables in the house and not many sweets beyond an occasional box of Sugar Pops or Oreos. One of the observations I made over time is that folks eat what they know and like often despite their knowledge of healthy eating because it is what they are used to eating. I am passionate about ensuring everyone has access to healthy, local food regardless of where they get their food. During my free time I can be found either behind my sewing machine, I am a quilter, or in my kayak and telling anyone who will listen about the antics of my 14.5 year pup. ~ Kim Croce
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